Katie's Musings

A blog about cooking, knitting, books, and parenting

His & Hers iPod Cozies

iPod Cozies

Over Christmas break I knitted iPod Touch cozies for Scott and myself! I made up the patterns, although I modeled them after a few I’d seen. I think these patterns could use some improvement; I realized after I finished that the cable pattern would’ve shown up clearer if I’d added a purl stitch on either side of the cables. Also, on the first one I knit (the white and blue one), I miscalculated the length and ended up needing to add about an inch and a half of ribbing after I finished the cable pattern. However, for my first attempt at making an original pattern, I guess it’s ok! Here’s my pattern (this pattern is the one shown in the light green/yellow/blue yarn):

~requires less than 1 ball of sock yarn, 4 size 1 dpn’s, and an embroidery needle (for cables and for kitchener stitch/weaving ends)

CO 36 and divide between 3 needles (12 each needle). Join for knitting in the round.

Do several rounds of K1 P1, until it measures about 1/2 inch or 1 inch from CO. (At this point, double-check with the iPod to make sure that it will fit.)

Knit 8 rounds straight.

Next round (cable round): K3, c2f (slip two stitches to needle and hold to front, K2, then knit two slipped stitches), K4, c2f, k6, c2f, K4, c2f, K3.

Knit 4 rounds straight.

Repeat these last five rounds seven more times.

Knit extra rounds if needed, to add length.

Rearrange stitches on two needles and sew shut with kitchener stitch. Weave in ends.

**For the other pattern (the one pictured in the white/blue yarn), the only difference was the cable pattern. After you’ve finished with the K1P1 ribbing, cable pattern is as follows:

K5, c4f (slip four stitches to cable needle, hold to front, K4, then knit slipped stitches), K10, c4f, K5. Then, knit 10 rounds even. Repeat last eleven rows twice more, and add about 2 inches of K1P1 ribbing at the end. (Or, add extra cable repeats instead of the ribbing.) Finish with kitchener stitch.

January 15, 2010 Posted by | knitting | , , , | Leave a comment